We call ourselves many things: Truthers, Anonymous, The Resistance, Killuminati, Awakened... We "see" things others do not. We know the connections of the powerful elite. We have some idea of how they control our politicians and thus our governments. We know we do not live in a truly democratic society, and that we are far from the Republic which was founded.
Throughout the years our population has grown, as have the number of sites reporting "Alternative News." YouTube blog channels that give their own accounting of the news are a dime a dozen. We have tended to discount some of what Mainstream Media reports, some of us even denouncing the MSM altogether. We have our chosen favorites from among the "Alternative" sources out there, and trust some more than others.
We don't fit in with "normal society" because we recognize that there is something inherently wrong with the world. We rage against the New World Order, Jesuit and Zionist dictators, and all manner of people who are "too stupid" to wake up and see what's going on around them. We rage against each other, too, for the same reason.
Our little world outside "The Matrix" is fraught with disagreements, petty battles, "doxing," and "Truth Bomb" trolling so ugly and vulgar that it should be criminal. What happened to the love in rEVOLution? I see so much hate in this community that I often wish I hadn't become "awakened." After seeing what I have seen, hearing what I have heard, I want to be reinserted into the "The Matrix."
The beautiful thing about free will is being able to have and express our own opinion. This is not a "right" given to us by the government, but a gift of life. The government cannot regulate what we say or how we say it without impeding on our free will, though we do have to be "Politically Correct" in certain circles. As much as we would like people to stop being atrocious toward others, we cannot force them to. Individual and group harassment will continue no matter what dissenters try to say or do to change their thought process until something else comes about.
We need a paradigm shift within this community, but I am at a loss as to how that can be done. It will take a lot more minds, and hearts, than just my own, +Honr Network, and those others who are willing to stand up for those who can't defend themselves from these attacks. It will require the collective effort of everyone who is "awake" but does not condone the abhorrent practices of "hoaxers" and "truth bombers" to derail those trains and get us back on track to the idealized goal of "freeing the minds" of others.
We are equal parts Atheist and Theist, but I hope we can find common moral ground on this issue. It won't happen this month, or probably even this year, but I am hopeful.
Before I wrap this up, I would like to introduce you to a concept from Judaism that you may not have heard of. There is no being called Satan in Judaism, the word in Hebrew merely means "adversary." Throughout human history our adversary has been "Evil," whether it's a real life dictator or a fictional character. In Judaism the belief is that every person has the capacity to do "good" or "evil," and there exists no outside spiritual influence to push someone toward one or the other. Having been given free will, it is up to us to overcome our innate capacity for evil (yetzer hara) and choose to do good (yetzer hatov). In Christianity, this idea is translated succinctly as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
When you go about your activities online, think on this as you see the comments posted on Mainstream Media channels. Think on it as you watch videos from "Truthers" denouncing the existence and deaths of individuals. Think on it as you watch people track down personal Facebook and Twitter pages to leave reprehensible comments, determined to expose them as frauds and charlatans. Would you, if placed in the other person's shoes (fake or not), be completely tolerant of the actions against you? After you've thought on it, come back and answer this question:
Will YOU stand with HONR?
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