October 7, 2015

Coverage of Sheriff John Hanlin Only Gave a Glimpse of Hoax Theorists

Last week, in the aftermath of the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon which left 10 dead, including the shooter, and seven more wounded, many suddenly became aware that there is a group of people who believe that the shooting at Sandy Hook was a "hoax" fabricated by the government. Several reports have been made about Sheriff John Hanlin, whose department is leading this investigation, and a video he shared on his personal Facebook account. This has raised questions about whether or not the Sheriff is fit to lead this investigation, considering the incredible similarities between the two tragic events.

As Rob Cox stated in this article published by USAToday on Oct. 5, 2015: "The truth is that Roseburg has become a member of our club — one nobody would willingly join." This is true in more ways than just sharing a similar and unthinkable tragedy. They are now new members of the "Hoax Club," along with Sandy Hook, the Aurora, CO theatre shooting, the Boston Bombing, the WDBJ TV shooting, and a host of other shootings that have garnered national media attention. Hoax Theorists are even backdating their research to the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, as demonstrated in this painfully long diatribe featuring a graphic image of the two shooters after death. Nor does it stop there.

It may have taken more than a decade for Columbine to make it to the list for many of these Hoax Theorists, but nowadays it takes them only a few hours to determine and establish the shooting as a staged event by the government. The first "clue" is whether or not the event has made national news. The second is how media reports conflict with one another. The instant that footage of the event is made public, dozens of self-titled "Truthers" start compiling evidence to support their theory of why it is a staged government hoax. Thousands of subscribers to YouTube are taken in by these sometimes long-winded and vulgar reports, having already been convinced by other much more high-end videos propagating previous "hoaxes."

The most appalling belief of the Hoax Theorists is that victims either didn't exist or were crisis actors paid for by the government. Any family member, friend or associate that appears on national TV speaking about the event are also dubbed crisis actors. This has led to "hoax investigators" pulling out all stops in their mad dash to uncover the government conspiracy behind it. Their tactics continue to re-open wounds that are still healing among the survivors and their families.

Infamous Sandy Hook Hoax Theorist and investigator Wolfgang Halbig instigated the worst of these theories, and individual supporters have taken it upon themselves to spread their "truth" about these hoaxes by defaming anyone close to the event, harassing and "trolling" family members online, and stalking children and adults who bear any similarity to any of the people that lost their lives. These innocent targets will be forever connected to these events just for bearing a striking resemblance.


Those that believe these shootings only occur to serve a political agenda generally only look for a few insignificant things to determine whether they are staged. Those are:
1) The news media covers little else but the tragedy that occurred that day.
2) The perpetrator(s) dies before authorities can place him in custody.
3) Family members of victims appear on TV within 24-36 hours of the tragedy pushing for gun control.
4) The perpetrator(s) had a suspected a mental illness or was on SSRI medication.
5) The perpetrator(s) leaves a manifesto.

Even though Hoax Theorists rely on the mainstream media to amass their initial information, they have a severe distrust of anything they report. They believe that the media has license to fake the news, continuing a conspiracy about Charles Jaco as supporting evidence, as well as lie to the public. In their attempt to counter any information released by the media, Hoax Theorists have devised a "Truth Bomb" campaign in which they go to YouTube channels owned by news media to dislike a video and leave comments telling everyone what they think. They believe they score "wins" when comments are disabled or the video pulled altogether.

In the years following each of these occurrences hundreds of videos, blogs and websites calling themselves the "Alternative Media" will continue to repeat these ideas for vulnerable minds to fall prey to. Each individual will form their own opinion on how the hoax was staged, and not all will believe the victims were crisis actors. Many traditional conspiracy theorists and newcomers have distanced themselves from Hoax Theorists completely, and some have also taken up the mantle in defense of those who are helpless against these attacks. Unfortunately the attackers far outnumber the defenders, and defenders are generally accused by this group of being "shills."

We Stand With HONR amid a sea of lunacy that has turned the corner into the psychotic. Perpetrators of these crimes are called patsies, given no actual responsibility for the crime in these alternative reports. We have seen calls amongst these Hoax Theorists to stalk and photograph possible matches to Sandy Hook children, and for clandestine raids on graves in order to conduct their own medical examination to prove the bodies don't belong to the name on the tombstone. This has gone much, much too far in our eyes, and we are actively reaching out to the mainstream media in hopes that our plea is heard by the public.

The number of people that believe these events were devastating tragedies far outweighs the number of people that don't, and those people can have far more impact on this community than one might think. If you will support us in our mission, I invite you to fly this banner on your social media page or website. Together we can stop harassment of victims' families.


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